Last weekend… Blues

Being of British extraction, Our Man is, naturally, not given to outpourings of emotion (stiff upper  lip etc) but I am really sad that I’m coming to the end of my amazing adventure in Uganda.
Yesterday, my last weekend began as did my second wedding “introduction”. The bride to be gets introduced to the groom’s family in a formal ritual. ..


100-200 people on each side of the family, much frivolity, unfortunately in Lusoga, the language they speak here (not Swahili as I’d been promised by Lonely Planet, not that I’d understand that any better)…


Dancing, copious speeches…


And then the groom is “found” from amongst his family group and delivered to his bride..


… Who was just gorgeous but that’s beside the point. But it’s true, even in a change of “gomaz”…


They made a lovely couple..


And then everyone, including Our Man in a Kunzu, had a good feed…


And then today, the peace of a Sunday morning was abruptly shattered by the explosions of tear gas dispersing a crowd, just over the fence from me, intent on wreaking revenge on a chap who’d stolen an old bike from a poor woman. He was off to prison, should have been intensive care from what I heard, and then the crowd went and evicted his family from their home…


…and basically said bugger off and take your smelly mattress with you.
It was really hard to watch, justice bring dispensed traditionally. No sympathy for the relatives, just get out, don’t want your sort here in our village….

And then I gave some toys that you lovely friends have sent over, to some local children, much more fun, who were so delighted…


On the same generosity topic, I donated a school bag to Solomon next door..


Happy?! And, a couple of weeks ago our man had given S oloman’s dad, a primary teacher, a box of your donations, pens, pencils, books, thank you  Hilary, Amanda, Jake, Jo, Maria, Christine et al, oh dear who else?….
The headmaster came round to give me a letter of thanks today. And he explained his school’s water tank, which gives, unsurprisingly, fresh roof water to the 750 pupils there, needed Ush 50,000 ($25) for repairs. It’s been out of action for ages. Well what do you do?


I know he doesn’t look very happy but boy was he pleased! $25 to give 750 kids fresh drinking water…

Lunchtime, met Jonathon and Fiona from Dorset, doctors working for 2 months in nearby Busu health centre…


Lovely couple, nice to compare Ugandan frustrations. Beer and chicken curry in the Sol Cafe, which supports the local orphanage nursery/primary school and makes signs out of bottle tops. I think after today’s lunch they might fill in a few gaps.
Quite a weekend, all in all. Next Sunday I’ll be in Kenya. Woa!!

Posted from MI’s WordPress for Android, as if!!

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